
Analysis of research requires careful consideration to what findings are important; deliverables of analysis reveal how people act, a journey's touchpoints, and where opportunities are for its improvement.

Clients & outcomes


NDA - Non Profit - Client

NDA - Transportation - Client

UI Design


Testing & UX

the Topic

Analysis Methods create progress

Innovative ideas are difficult to implement. For that reason, determining next steps, sharing and communicating, and deducing insights is an essential part of any business effort.  Analyzing research helps one make sense of things and be able to share it with others. Analysis goes hand in hand with  Research and often relies upon making complex information more salient.

Get Stakeholders involved through collaborative activities.

'Who are our users?' 'What is their experience like when using our product?' 'What is causing a roadblock across our service?' Using qualitative and quantitative data, designers can guide discussions and uncover insights which inform decision making- product strategy or what the digital experience should be like.

This collage showcases a variety of analysis methods. Whether a sitemap or persona, analysis can help make complex information easy to understand and actionable.

UX Designers need to be skilled at spotting opportunities.

Whether utilizing methods such as these: site maps, heuristic evaluations, analytics, persona creation, journey mapping, Being able to spot deficiencies, discrepancies, commonalities, can then unveil areas of opportunity.

Software that speeds up Analysis

  • Miro for sorting findings, mapping experiences, creating flow diagrams, etc.
  • Google Analytics for understanding a site's performance
  • Adobe Suite for creating visuals
  • Google Slides for creating presentations.