
Delivering a quality product or service relies upon designing strategically and balancing constraints.

Clients & outcomes

NDA - Finance - Client


UI Design


Testing & UX

the Topic

Realizing Products & Services

"Can this be made?" is a question that should be asked early on in the design process. Before realizing a solution, one should understand the constraints that will influence the products realization (timeline, budget, software limitations, and others.) What may be designed may not be possible to execute. For this reason, working alongside others that know the limitations and scope of the project informs the solutions that will be made.

Realization relies on collaborating in cross-functional teams

The below design is a few pages that represent a digital product solution. Now in development and testing, the below designs were made possible through working with SME's, developers, and stakeholders. The designs below mirrors the look at feel of the client's other products, follows the client's style guide (Which makes it easier for us to design the wireframes and for developers to know what to build.)

The best user experiences won't always take the developer the shortest amount of time to make, but by keeping in mind what the technology limitations are, the end deliverable will be much easier to build. Building products is all about balancing constraints.

It is valuable to have practical knowledge of dev.

The below images are the designs for the blog and case study pages of the Useagility Wordpress site. Working with the developers, and in the wordpress backend, made it easier to design these pages in a way that could be made without custom code.

Useagility's Blog and Case Study pages

The below image is of the UXPA-KC Website. Over the course of the last year, Tom Morse-Brown and I have rebuilt the site from the ground up (Check out the old site on the wayback machine.) This including migrating the front end framework and re-designing the copy  and look & feel. We have goals to further simplify the site. Working with Tom allowed for us each to focus on specific elements of the site. We both were able to execute a variety of UX methods that informed the design. Since the redesign, our newsletter has grown by almost 50%.

UXPA-KC Website

Software that speeds up Realization

  • Miro for sorting findings, mapping experiences, creating flow diagrams, etc.
  • Google Analytics for understanding a site's performance
  • Adobe Suite for creating visuals
  • Google Slides for creating presentations.