
"Is this the right solution?" Should be a common question amongst any project team. The goal of synthesizing research into concepts is for validation. Validation is possible through creating tangible and testable designs.

Clients & outcomes

NDA - Transportation - Client

NDA - Finance - Client

UI Design


Testing & UX

the Topic

Concepts are for validating

Before investing resources into realization, it is important to validate a concepts' value. Two ways concept designs can be used is for: for internal stakeholder alignment or testing with users. Low fidelity prototypes can showcase user flows, navigation schemes, copywriting & nomenclature, and more. Concepts Designs, when tested with users, can reveal areas for opportunities and where the design is lacking. These low fidelity prototypes are valuable because they don't cost much to create and the design can be easily changed.

This is a quick mock-up made in Miro. Concept designs like this can be used with stakeholders to communicate high level concepts and possibilities.

More complex designs can be showcased in low fidelity ways as well. In the example below, users were walked through a series of wireframes that introduced new ways of doing their work. Through the users' feedback, the concept was validated with a few exceptions. This testing set the stage for low and high fidelity mockups in Axure. Through creating a concept like this and validating with users, business stakeholders became more confident in the proposed design and then invested more resources into its realization.

These wireframes were used as a tool to walk users through a potential new way of doing their work.

Validation creates informed judgement

When concepts are tested with users, stakeholders can make judgement calls about the direction of a project. The concept design can answer the question, "Which concept or combination of concepts bring the most value?" When the above design was tested with users, the business opted to move forward with the project. The concept was then designed in Axure as a low fidelity wireframe and later high fidelity wireframe. These designs were then handed off to development. Without early user testing, the later designs would have been littered with usability problems.

Software that speeds up Synthesis

  • Miro for cross functional collaboration and low fidelity wireframes
  • Balsamiq for low fidelity wireframes
  • Figma for wireframes and prototypes
  • Axure for wireframes and prototypes
  • Adobe XD for  wireframes and prototypes
  • Zoom for video calls and remote user testing
  • Go-To Meeting for video calls and remote user testing
  • Google Hangouts for video calls and remote user testing