
Lars Erickson

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the blog! This blog will provide insight into design strategy and reflections on my professional career path. I hope these ~infrequent~ blogs can help or inspire you in some way.


1. Why a blog?

People, community, and collaboration set the stage for great design. This blog is my attempt at connecting with new people, staying connected, and prompting conversations and collaboration. My goal is to pursue excellence in the field of design for myself and others.

2. What is design? and why human-centered design?

The word "Design" is often defined akin to "Planning," ie. not doing changing something spontaneously. However, I believe "Design" should be more closely defined as a deliberate and intentional action taken to change something with consideration of its context and impact. human-centered design is designing in a way that accounts for how people behave, act, and think (A sub-philosophy of design.)

Human-Centered design is altruistic. I believe HCD can change the world. To change the world, we must work together and act in deliberate and intentional ways in order to improve products, services, and systems.

3. KC & its design community

Kansas City is a great town with enormous amounts of potential energy. Ideas can take shape and be realized here. Tech is expanding and the arts are being recognized. The design community here is small and close knit. This is the type of town where any person can make an impact. The work UXPA-KC is doing is valuable and I am proud to be a part of it. If our design community flourishes it would positively impact our city.

Your interest in what I am doing is awesome! If you would like to connect further, feel free to reach out.

- Lars