Momentum for 2021

Lars Erickson
Momentum for 2021

Momentum for 2021

Reflections on 2020 and how the stage is set for a momentous 2021!

Over the past few weeks I have found myself doing some reflecting on the past year. 2020 was a year of personal/ professional growth and a year of new challenges/ welcomed solutions.

In January 2020, I moved to Kansas City and stepped into these two new roles: 1. Director of Communications for UXPA-KC  2. User Experience Designer at Useagility. On January 20th I will have been at Useagility a full year! This time has been marked by the shift to remote work, re-thinking how UXPA-KC operates, and endless amounts of learning and virtual networking.

Throughout year I have had the delightful opportunity to work on abstract challenges and uncover practical solutions. Here are some results quantified:

  • Had 30+ networking sessions with area and regional professionals.
  • Rebuilt my portfolio website in Webflow 🎊 - The first step towards creating an omni-channel experience for my personal brand. My old site can be found here.
  • Rebuilt the UXPA-KC Website. My work with UXPA-KC over the last year saw a 155% growth in our newsletter, 150% increase in annual attendance (279 attendees,) significant growth on our social media channels, and internal streamlining of processes/ workflows.
  • Worked consistently with 2 different Useagility clients: IPFS and KCS.

Here are some more personal events that transpired:

  • Quarantined- a lot.
  • Got engaged and got married!
  • Safely traveled to and from Jamaica on Honeymoon.
  • Did some sailing/ windsurfing with my family.
  • Progressed the Tear Drop Camper and installed a tow hitch on my car.
  • Demo'd and rebuilt our kitchen, painted the houses interior, and lots of other house work.
  • Built a garden and subsequently made pickles!

In sum, the last year has been composed of energy spent and unexpected joy! I believe the stage has been set for a momentous 2021. I am not sure what is to come, but I do know the year will be marked by incremental growth and work.

- Lars